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Sixth Grade

Math (core) – Ratios, percent, proportions, geometric drawing with instruments, business math, algebra, graphing (bar, circle, line), mean, median, and mode; geometric formulas with plane and solid shapes, positive and negative numbers.

English Language Arts (core) – Biographies; oral reports; business letters; spelling; essay writing; elements of grammar continued.

History & Social Studies (core) – Roman and medieval history.

Geography (core) – European geography.

Science (core) – Mineralogy; physics (acoustics, electricity, magnetism, optics and heat); beginning astronomy; continuation of garden and nature studies.

Environmental Stewardship (core) – Global geography provides studies in different peoples and cultures in reference to their natural environments. Continued gardening, recycling and composting.

Music (core) – Folk songs; wind instruments; percussion/strings/chorus/dance electives.

Art (core) – Examples include veil painting; clay modeling; woodworking, charcoal.

Performing Arts (core) – Class play that originates from the curriculum.

World Language (core) – Japanese continues with speaking, reading and writing.

Handwork (core) – Embroidery; hand-sewing stuffed animals.

Woodwork (core) – Promoting creativity and ability to self-correct work by making serving spoons, forks/sporks and/or eating spoons.

Games/Movement/Health (core) – Working cooperatively to achieve a common goal. Throwing, dribbling, dance; identify the five components of fitness, participation in vigorous activity for 20 minutes. Knowing warm-up and cool-down activities and how to measure heart rate. Being able to offer rule changes that improve a game. Team cooperation and effective practice. Team sports; keeping score; learning to outwit an opponent with activities like jousting, tug of war and “steeple chase”/obstacle course in preparation for an inter-school Medieval Games event.

Technology – Cyber Civics.