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Lower Grades : OCS involves parents in their child’s learning goals and in creating a supportive home environment, including support of a healthy home diet, monitoring the influence of media and video games and ensuring appropriate use of technology. Like their teaching colleagues around the country, teachers at Ocean Charter School have been concerned about excess media exposure and the effect on students’ learning outcomes.Our teachers have found that when media exposure is limited to weekends only, students are more focused, calm and engaged in their academic learning. When students watch television and play video games during the school week, the teachers at Ocean Charter School have noted a qualitative difference in students’ behavior, including: exclusive rather than cooperative play, a lack of socialization experiences, a lack of imagination in their work, and an enhanced need for immediate gratification. Therefore, to engender an environment in which learning best occurs, Ocean Charter School has adopted a policy of limiting media exposure for students.

Upper Grades : Students in the upper grades do regularly use computers to complete writing assignments, conduct research, and create presentations. While OCS works with families to restrict students’ exposure to media in the younger grades, our 6th-8th grade students participate in our Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum. This curriculum focuses on preparing our students for life in the digital age by giving them both the skills they need to navigate technology as well as the ethical understanding they need to balance technology and humanity.

Yes. All students should be dressed in clothing that is free of media, logos, advertising, images, writing, and words. This includes backpacks and lunch boxes. Children at school should be dressed comfortably and ready to participate in the full school day. Students should attend school dressed in play clothes that are suitable for the weather and fit comfortably without requiring the child’s attention.

All students are expected to behave respectfully at all times. OCS’ parent/student handbook includes Student Rights and Responsibilities that describe the safe learning environment we foster. When students have difficulty meeting these expectations, OCS works with a team of administrator, teacher, parent, and -when appropriate- student to address behaviors that don’t meet expectations and support the student in developing the skills necessary to be a positive member of our school community.